📬Bridge test tokens to Cronos zkEVM testnet

How to deposit tokens from L1 to L2 (testnet)

In order to complete this step, you need the following:

  • Your crypto wallet must be set-up and connected to Ethereum Sepolia testnet

  • You must have some SepoliaETH as well as some test ERC20 tokens (zkTCRO or other) in your wallet, on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet network.

See this page on how to acquire test tokens: Get test tokens on Layer 1

Visit the temporary testnet bridge at:


Your wallet may request 3 to 4 signatures consecutively to complete the transaction. Be patient.

Sometimes, transactions fail if Sepolia is too busy. As Sepolia is a testnet, its gas price varies suddently, which can cause transactions to fail. There is not much that we can do. You may need to try multiple times.

The Cronos zkEVM testnet bridge displays the following tokens by default:

  • Test CRO (8 decimals)

    • Address on L1: 0x4B7DFE9381149fA0E6738930fB24d015929C3926

    • Address on L2: 0x9Fa683be5BFC78524995617f953cCDa22C688EC2

  • zkTCRO (Test zkCRO) (18 decimals) - This is the gas token of Cronos zkEVM

  • ZKTT ("Cronos zkEVM Test Token") (18 decimals)

  • Test USDC (6 decimals)

    • Address on L1: 0x1c7D4B196Cb0C7B01d743Fbc6116a902379C7238. The L1 Test USDC can be minted at this URL: https://faucet.circle.com/ (only available daily while there is available stock)

    • Address on L2: 0x6d591768aAf861c40b2BbAe69C685a24DbB0Bab7

  • Test DAI (18 decimals)

    • Address on L1: 0x68194a729c2450ad26072b3d33adacbcef39d574

    • Address on L2: 0xAD571981E923f8F97377Be1a4e032A6af470eDB0

In addition to the default tokens, you can deposit any other ERC20 token simply by entering the address of the smart contract.

Last updated