On this page, you can find the contracts and their interactions involved when bridging to and from Ethereum (L1 - $DAI/$USDC/$USDT) and Cronos zkEVM (L2 - $vUSD ), it includes:

[L1 -> L2] Minting $vUSD with $DAI/$USDC/$USDT

[L2 -> L1] Withdrawing $DAI from $vUSD

The following instructions cover bridging and minting $vUSD with $DAI, $USDC, or $USDT deposits on L1.

Note that the contracts are based on $DAI. $USDC or $USDT deposits will be swapped to $DAI during the deposit process. Check Step 2) Minting And Bridging $ybUSD for details and parameters.

[L1 -> L2] Minting $vUSD with $DAI/$USDC/$USDT

From Ethereum mainnet (L1) to Cronos zkEVM mainnet (L2)

For bridging $DAI/$USDC/$USDT (Ethereum Mainnet) to $vUSD (Cronos zkEVM Mainnet), we would need to:

  1. Mint and bridge $ybUSD from Ethereum to Cronos zkEVM Mainnet with $DAI/$USDC/$USDT;

  2. Mint $vUSD with $ybUSD on Cronos zkEVM Mainnet.

To bridge $DAI/$USDC/$USDT from Ethereum mainnet -> Cronos zkEVM mainnet, and obtain $vUSD we would need to interact with:

Step 1) Calculating the amount of $ybUSD to Bridge

On Ethereum, use ybUSD token contract to call the convertToShares function:


Keep this amount for later steps.

Step 2) Minting And Bridging $ybUSD

On Ethereum, call the mintAndBridge function on the ybUSDBridgecontract:

function mintAndBridge(
        address _l2Receiver,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint128 _stableCoinType,
        uint256 _minAmountAccepted,
        uint256 _l2GasLimit,
        uint256 _l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit,
        address _refundRecipient

This will mint $ybUSD on Ethereum and bridge it to the _l2Receiver address on L2.

Step 3) Approving $ybUSD to be spend by $vUSD contract

On Cronos zkEVM, call approve on the ybUSD contract to approve $vUSD contract to spend $ybUSD with appropriate amount.

Step 4) Minting of $vUSD

On Cronos zkEVM, call mint on $vUSD contract , to mint $vUSD

function mint(
        address _receiver, 
        uint256 _ybUsdAmount

This will mint $vUSD into the _receiver address.

[L2 -> L1] Withdrawing $DAI from $vUSD

From Cronos zkEVM mainnet (L2) -> Ethereum mainnet (L1)

For withdrawing $vUSD (Cronos zkEVM Mainnet) and get $DAI (Ethereum Mainnet) , we would need to:

  1. [On Cronos zkEVM] Use $vUSD to redeem $ybUSD;

  2. [On Cronos zkEVM] Bridge $ybUSD to Ethereum;

  3. [On Ethereum] Redeem $ybUSD for $DAI

To redeem $vUSD from Cronos zkEVM mainnet -> Ethereum mainnet, and withdraw $DAI we would need to interact with the following contracts:

Step 1) Approving $vUSD to be spend by vUSD contract

On Cronos zkEVM, call approve on the $vUSD contract to approve $vUSD spend with appropriate amount.

Step 2) Redeeming $vUSD for $ybUSD

On Cronos zkEVM, call redeem on the vUSD contract, to burn $vUSD and redeem $ybUSD

function redeem(
        address _receiver,
        uint256 _vUsdAmount

Once done, corresponding $ybUSD will be transfer to the _reciever address

Step 3) Approving $ybUSD to be spend by the L2Bridge

On Cronos zkEVM, call approve on the ybUSD contract, to approve L2Bridge contract to spend $ybUSD.

Step 4) Withdrawing $ybUSD and store withdrawal hash

On Cronos zkEVM, call withdraw on the L2Bridge contract

function withdraw(
        address _l1Receiver, 
        address _l2Token, 
        uint256 _amount

Keep the transaction hash for later use in Step 5. This withdraws $ybUSD from Cronos zkEVM to Ethereum. It takes 24 hours before the withdrawal can be finalized on Ethereum. Store the transaction hash from the withdrawal transaction; it will be needed to finalize the withdrawal.

Step 5) Gathering information for $ybUSD withdrawal on L1

Extra information for the L2 -> L1 transaction is required for the next step in claiming the $ybUSD. This information can be gathered by finalizeWithdrawalParams, using zksync-ethers package


This takes the L2 withdrawal hash as parameters and returns the parameters required for finalizing a withdrawal in the next step.

Example outputs

  l1BatchNumber: 18,
  l2MessageIndex: 59,
  l2TxNumberInBlock: 2919,
  message: '0x6c0960f935f448644c86dbda241ecb57f18a15c80f35a066000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a2a15d09519be000000',
  sender: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000800a',
  proof: [

Step 6) Claiming the $ybUSD on L1

Once the transaction in Step 4 has been finalized, we can claim the withdrawn $ybUSD from the L2Bridge contract by calling its finalizeWithdrawal function. The inputs can be found in Step 5,

    function finalizeWithdrawal(
            uint256   _chainId,
            uint256   _l2BatchNumber,
            uint256   _l2MessageIndex,
            uint16    _l2TxNumberInBatch,
            bytes calldata _message,
            bytes32 calldata _merkleProof

Once finalizeWithdrawal is completed, the withdrawn amount of $ybUSD will go into the receiver's wallet on Ethereum.

We can use zksync-ethers package isWithdrawalFinalized call to whether the withdrawal transaction is finalized on the L1 network.


Step 7) Approving $ybUSD to be spend by ybUSD contract

On Ethereum, call approve on the $ybUSD contract, to approve the contract to spend $ybUSD

Step 8) Redeem $ybUSD for $DAI

On Ethereum, call redeem on the the $ybUSD contract

function redeem(
        uint256 _amount

Once redeem is completed, the withdrawn amount of $DAI will go into the receiver's wallet on Ethereum.

Last updated