📒Contract Addresses

For Cronos zkEVM mainnet

Contract addresses on L1 (Ethereum)

Base token contracts on Ethereum mainnet (L1):

Contract addresses on L2 (Cronos zkEVM)


zkCRO is the custom base token of the Cronos zkEVM testnet, based on this repository.

  • The address of zkCRO on Cronos zkEVM is: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000800a

  • Number of decimals: 18

For Cronos zkEVM testnet

Contract addresses on L1 (Ethereum Sepolia)

Base token contracts on Ethereum Sepolia (L1):

Other key contracts on Ethereum Sepolia (L1):

Contract addresses on L2 (Cronos zkEVM testnet)


zkTCRO is the custom base token of the Cronos zkEVM testnet, based on this repository.

  • The address of zkTCRO on Cronos zkEVM Testnet is: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000800a

  • Number of decimals: 18

There is a wrapped, an ERC20 compatible version of zkTCRO, with token symbol wzkCRO at the following contract address (18 decimals too): https://explorer.zkevm.cronos.org/testnet/address/0xf9bb37013de8cd3f89b3623af9ee1b1b32d872c9

Last updated