📒Contract Addresses

Cronos zkEVM mainnet (Chain ID: 388)

The base token - zkCRO

"Cronos zkEVM CRO" - zkCRO is the custom L2 base token of Cronos zkEVM, based on this repository.

Base token contracts on:

There is a wrapped, an ERC20 compatible version of zkCRO, with token symbol wzCRO at the following contract address (18 decimals too), under the contract address:


Token contract addresses on L1 (Ethereum) and L2 (Cronos zkEVM)

Other key contracts

Other key accounts

For Cronos zkEVM Sepolia testnet (Chain-id: 282)

The base testnet token - zktCRO

"zkCronos Testnet" - zktCRO is the custom L2 base token of Cronos zkEVM Sepolia testnet, based on this repository.

Base token contracts on

There is a wrapped, an ERC20 compatible version of zkTCRO, with token symbol wzkCRO at the following contract address (18 decimals too): 0xf9bb37013de8cd3f89b3623af9ee1b1b32d872c9

Token contract addresses on L1 (Sepolia) and L2 (Cronos zkEVM Sepolia testnet)

Other key contracts

Note - The Middleware contract allows L1 to L2 transfers without having zkTCRO on L1

Last updated